Potholders {Friday’s FO}

I have been crocheting since 2009 and these are the first real potholders that I have made. Real because they are double layered to prevent burns. I love them and am wondering why it took me so long to make then. I had an oven mitten which got so ugly that I had to throw away so these were badly needed.

One is just granny squares and the other is an African flower. The colors aren’t my favorites but they still look good together.
What have you finished this week?

One response to “Potholders {Friday’s FO}”

  1. Nancy A. says:

    Where are the patterns for these things you show us? I would love to make these potholders and that rug from the other post you had, but can’t find the patterns!! Please tell where I can find them, I need these potholders and yours are so nice looking! Thank you!!