Category: General

I really shouldn’t be here

I am the master of procrastination. I really shouldn’t be here or doing this right now. Well I should be “here” as in physically sitting at my computer, and doing “this” as in writing stuff too. But not here on the blog and not this post.…

Pen strap thingy

I have been trying to find a way to keep my pens with my notebook. I purchased a pen loop from Midori but it turned out to be too small for my pens, I tried making my own but you can only fit one pen in…

Nothing like everyday boring old routine

I can totally explain my lack of posting in the last few months.  I was in Egypt for the summer and before that it was Ramadan and I had assignments that were due and all of that.  There was practically very little making or doing. We…


I have been doing a lot of thinking.  I think a lot.  All the time.  Sometimes I think about lots of things, sometimes I obsess about the same things over and over.  This blog was one of those obsessive thoughts for the last couple of weeks. …

From Homemade to Handmade

“This is so pretty,  it looks like something you bought at the store” Who hasn’t heard this before? Good, you all have.  Non crafters seem to regard this as the highest compliment they can give you, because of course we want our beautifully handcrafted items that…

My printer is probably my best friend

If you are a parent then you should know that your printer could possibly be your new BFF.  I am kid you not.  We made these super cool ornaments by printing How About Orange’s templates of red and yellow paper.  I have also made papercraft dolls,…

Crafting Resolutions

Happy New Year I have a few craft related resolutions.  Well I wouldn’t really call them resolutions because, well, resolutions don’t seem to work out so well for me. So in 2015 I will try to: Be a better craft blogger.  Because I love documenting the…