Yoga Skirt

Nope I don’t do yoga, although I think I should, but then again I think I am too rest less for that kind of thing, I did try once, but it just never works I feel too scattered.

Anyways, I had this really pretty pretty pretty fabric.

That just kept asking and begging to be made into something pretty.

And who am I to say no to pretty fabric?  I found the blue double rib knit by chance and bought it right away because I knew it would be a perfect match.

I used this tutorial and it was quite straight forward.

Although next time I think I will make a circle skirt instead.

The hem still needs to be pressed.  Which reminds me I need to practice more hemming because there is still room for improvement.  I think there are more skirts in the future 🙂

I love the fold over waistband it is perfect for *those* days.  And skirts really are so much more prettier than lounging all day in your PJ pants.