Another hitchhiker and a bookmark. {Friday’s FO}

I started a new book and felt that a new book mark was in order. After a little browsing (wasting a lot of time) on ravelry I found a cute pattern that I liked. The pattern is called Bookmark Trio by Megan Goodacre, it has three different patterns but I liked this horseshoe one the best. I found some leftover sock yarn. I think the bookmark took an hour or maybe two. I love these little impulsive projects that are done in under a day.

I also finished my second hitchhiker

Taking pictures of these colors is so hard. It just won't come out the way I want it too.

I knit this one is stripes. I loved the entire process. The yarn is dk weight and I used leftovers so I didn't manage to get the 42 teeth but it is ok, the scarf is for the 5yo anyways because she kept saying how pretty the colors were and it is another excuse to knit something else for myself.

Even the wrong side of the stripes look super cool.

I used to be super scared of stripes. It took me a couple of tries before I found a way of carrying the yarn on the side without it being visible or tight that it cinched the sides.


Have you finished anything this week?