Category: Patterns

I made some stuff and released a new pattern

I said I was going to walk away from the sewing machine. And I sort of did. Then I decided to make the Ryan Top. But I turned it into a dress. I also managed to really up my game for this one. All the seams…

8 Free Patterns You Can Crochet or Knit for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and while I generally don’t really buy into it, I do love me some cute hearts. Throw in some squishy soft yarn and I am all in.  Some of these patterns just make wonderful gifts regardless of who the…

Three new patterns available

I just released three new crochet bag patterns It took me forever to actually write the patterns and publish them.  I am a naughty designer.  The common theme between all three is the use of leather handles on all of them.  Just click on the image…

Knitty Kitty Cat Hat {Free Pattern and Friday’s FO}

I really had no intention of knitting a hat.  It has been in the 40s (celsius) for weeks, so (a) there is no need for hats (b)I had other things to do.  I was browsing Pinterest and found a really cute crocheted Hello Kitty hat and…

Ghalya Doll pattern release

It has been ages since I have released a pattern.  This one is dear to my heart and has been in the making since February.  The doll itself is a simple one.  If you can crochet, increase and decrease in the round you can definitely make…

Big Dots Bag {Free Pattern}

Sometimes I am just compelled to make something. An idea pops into my head and I feel helpless against stopping myself. Not that I really ever want to stop myself from making something special. I felt the need to make a bag on Saturday. I knew…

Curvy Pouch {Updated Free Pattern}

I finally got round to update my Curvy Pouch pattern.  There was no mistake, it was just unclear so I made the wording better (I hope)   You can download the new version by clicking the image below. Curvy Pouch