Category: Sewing

I made some stuff and released a new pattern

I said I was going to walk away from the sewing machine. And I sort of did. Then I decided to make the Ryan Top. But I turned it into a dress. I also managed to really up my game for this one. All the seams…

I am stepping away from the sewing machine

Really. I need to. I have been on a sewing kick for a couple of weeks. I made two Lodo Dresses, a Fringe dress and two pairs of Luna pants. Then I decided to make a striped skirt. I got a little bit over confident and…

Fringe dress and going to the places that scare me

I first saw the Fringe Dress by Chalk and Notch on Instagram and thought it was a gorgeous pattern. But I was also terrified of it. It has two views. One has buttons, the horror! And the other has a complicated neckline that means needing facings…

Why you might want to sew your own clothes

  I wrote this post more than once. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to say, but at the end it turned into an argument for why you might want to sew your own clothes. I don’t really do resolutions but I do have monthly…

What to make with faux leather?

Yesterday I bought some faux leather. Half metres actually, but in 5 different colors because I wanted to make some more fauxdoris.  I still have lots left over and was wondering what else I could use the faux leather for, so I found some cool ideas,…

The curious case of the forgetful blogger

I keep forgetting to blog. It has been a while. I am a bad blogger. Sorry, can I make it up to you with some pretty pictures? After the crazy week of rainbow knitting and crocheting I wanted to knit socks so I cast on Jaywalkers.…

Things I made this week

My week starts on a Saturday. It is usually a day of cleaning and tidying up while entertaining the 5year old and taking her to swimming lessons. Well last Saturday she didn’t have swimming lessons so she got out her Perler beads and started making stuff.…