Category: Wednesday’s WIP

Socks and holding on to stuff {Wednesday’s WIPs}

The socks are my only current WIP (work in progress).  I managed to finish up everything else and trying to work at one thing at  a time.  They are for my daughter, she asked for them.  The yarn is Knitpicks Felici and I had two balls…

A sockhead hat {Wednesday’s WIPs}

I was knitting socks with this yarn. But it just wasn’t working for me. So I frogged them and started a sockhead hat. I think it is going to be too tight. Either my head is bigger than average or I knit much tighter than average.…

Boring projects {Wednesday’s WIPs}

It is not really their fault that they are boring, it is not them, it is me.  I don’t feel inspired by my current projects, but I will try to keep going. Hopefully I will finish them before I am tempted to quit crocheting and knitting…

Sometimes you need to go back to go forward {Wednesday’s WIPs}

 I had managed to finally get down my WIPs to just two blankets.  A ripple blanket and a hexagon blanket.  But, I had this feeling that I really wanted a shawl.  Not just any shawl, I want a big thick rectangular shawl that is cozy, but…

Knitting for other people {Wednesday’s WIP}

Knitting is a solitary sport, it is a doorway to the place in your mind where you can have some very interesting conversations with yourself.  But then again we knit for others and that changes the game a little.  When you knit for someone else, you…