Knitty Kitty Cat Hat {Free Pattern and Friday’s FO}

I really had no intention of knitting a hat.  It has been in the 40s (celsius) for weeks, so (a) there is no need for hats (b)I had other things to do.  I was browsing Pinterest and found a really cute crocheted Hello Kitty hat and…

Socks and holding on to stuff {Wednesday’s WIPs}

The socks are my only current WIP (work in progress).  I managed to finish up everything else and trying to work at one thing at  a time.  They are for my daughter, she asked for them.  The yarn is Knitpicks Felici and I had two balls…


I have been doing a lot of thinking.  I think a lot.  All the time.  Sometimes I think about lots of things, sometimes I obsess about the same things over and over.  This blog was one of those obsessive thoughts for the last couple of weeks. …

What is in your knitting notion toolkit?

What is in your knitting notions kit? I keep all of my notions in a big tin, because I love them and it is easier to access whatever you need compared to a zippered case.  I have a needle book where I keep most of the…