Tag: knitting

Trying to get back on …

… is usually the hardest thing.  After the 3rd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog week and managing to blog 7 days in a row, I felt totally all blogged out.  Then I caught a cold.  But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been idle.  I crocheted a…

Improving your skillset – 3KCBWDAY6

This is part of the third annual Knitting and Crochet Blogging Week   This is one topic that I think will be easier to blog about.  I already know the things I want to learn or improve.  I like to jump in and start learning when…

Sploshy Washcloth {Free Pattern}

Before I learned crocheting or knitting I couldn’t understand why someone would want to use pretty hand crocheted or hand knit washcloths or dishcloths.  It didn’t make any sense.  I could just buy a much cheaper version from the store and I wouldn’t feel sad when…

Bunnies {free pattern}

I am obsessed with trying to find ways to use up scraps of yarn and leftover partial skeins. If you don’t believe me or haven’t been following long enough you can check these out: Pencil Sleeves, Curvy Pouch, Picture Frames, Pencil Toppers and Coasters. I have…

Seeds and Trees Baby Blanket {free pattern}

I love gifting baby blankets. They take longer than a cardigan and a hat, but they are satisfying to make. You might remember seeing me start this a couple of days ago. It was a rough start but once I settled on a stitch pattern I…

The Knitter or Crocheters Calendar for 2012

If you follow me on pinterest you might have noticed that I was shopping for the 2012 calendar.  I found a couple I like that you can print at home which is cool.  But I thought maybe I needed a calendar that had a yarn theme.…

My Creative Space: Finally

I finally got a sewing machine. Well my husband got it for me as a birthday present. 🙂 He now knows that making stuff makes me happy so he helps fund my creativeness. Normal people learn to use a sewing machine. Normal people do not go…