Wednesday’s WIP: More green knitting

Many Wednesdays ago I showed you a little green knitting and then it hibernated for a while then it became this.

It’s a small shawlette and the little one has claimed it as her own.  She even told me to knit myself a larger one for myself.

I love the lace edging so much, that I cast on a new one, but all of it lace.

I charted it, and started knitting.  This is my first lace, knit design because I am considering the first one version 0.1 and this is version 1.0.

I hope this one doesn’t take a month to finish.

I also finished the red bag from last week, and it is being tested as we speak (blog).

Linking up to: Our Creative Spaces.

6 responses to “Wednesday’s WIP: More green knitting”

  1. Lovely shawlette and I really like your bag 🙂

  2. Pearlin J says:

    both look very nice!I really like the lace edging on the shawl.

  3. Sam says:

    That is so cute! I love that she claimed it as hers!