Finally posting on a Wednesday {Wednesday’s WIPS}

I usually forget and post a day or two late. But not this week. I have two things currently on the needles (and another two long term projects that I don’t really count as WIPS) I also managed to finish a couple of things but I am leaving that for Friday (I hope I remember to post on Friday)

Knee High Socks in the making

First a pair of knee high socks for the 5 year old. She said she didn’t want “long” socks but after ignoring her and going ahead I think she is excited about them.

Knee High Socks in the making

I am already overwhelmed by the sheer amount of ribbing along, but I am convinced they will be worth it.

Color Affection Number two

And my second color affection. It is such a genius pattern, don’t take my word for it, there are 10613 projects on revelry for it and many people knit it more than once.  I am already planning a third one in my head.  I actually dyed this yarn myself.  It isn’t exactly the colors I wanted but I can’t throw it away now can I? So I am going to knit it and see what happens.


So, what are you working on those days?

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