Category: Patterns

Curvy Pouch {a free knitting pattern}

Update : New version of the pattern here I hate those half skein leftovers.  They take up valuable space that could house full skeins.  Yes I have lots of those half skeins or less.  So, last night I decided to find a use for them and…

The Baby Blues Blankie {a free pattern}

You might have seen it before, but let me tell you the whole story. I got this Because a friend was going to have a baby, so I could make this. And I fell in love with the color and stitch detail The yarn was so…

Not a hot water bottle heating pad

I have a back problem, and the best remedy is usually a hot water bottle in bed.  Hot water bottles are also great for that *ahem* time of month when you want to kill someone.  Or maybe you just enjoy a nice warm bed.  But I…

Friday’s FO {Free Pattern} Picking Apples Dress

It all started with ElsieMarley’s Kids Clothes Week Challenge.  I do my sewing in the mornings when the little one is at nursery because we all know how sewing machine’s are like magnets to the little people and I already sew a good number of outfits…

{Free Pattern} WIP Biased Project Bag

Since it is supposed to be WIP wednesday and my only WIP is a pair of socks that is taking forever and more I decided to make more WIP project bags because every knitter/crocheter needs more bags to keep those naughty WIPs in check (oh and…

The Amal Headwrap

On February 11th, the Egyptians managed to finally topple a dictator. For 18 days they stood their ground and peacefully demonstrated and protested. This pattern is called ‘Amal’ which means hope in Arabic, because right now we all have a lot of hope that things can…

The MummyGo Bag

I am calling this the MummyGo Bag because it is perfect for you mums out there, grabbing stuff and always on the go.  I wanted a medium sized bag that could hold my stuff and be easily accessible.  It is also very easy to make and…