Category: Sewing

Friday’s Finished Object: The Knockoff dress

I have an obssession with dresses these days.  The summer heat is quickly approaching and nothing beats a dress in the summer.  I saw this dress on Neiman Marcus.   I have the NewLook 6980 pattern and already made two dresses from it and knew it…

Friday’s FO {Free Pattern} Picking Apples Dress

It all started with ElsieMarley’s Kids Clothes Week Challenge.  I do my sewing in the mornings when the little one is at nursery because we all know how sewing machine’s are like magnets to the little people and I already sew a good number of outfits…

{Free Pattern} WIP Biased Project Bag

Since it is supposed to be WIP wednesday and my only WIP is a pair of socks that is taking forever and more I decided to make more WIP project bags because every knitter/crocheter needs more bags to keep those naughty WIPs in check (oh and…

Rainbows at the zoo

With more rainbow fabric left, another dress was inevitable and what better place to take the rainbows than the zoo?

Accidental Rainbows

I wasn’t really shopping for fabric when I spotted this pretty rainbow cotton and a matching blue linen right next to it. Really, I wasn’t. But then it kept whispering “buy me, buy me” so I felt sad for it and got it. And I made…

Friday’s Finished Object : T-Shirt Dresses

I know it is not Friday, but I made these last Friday morning. I woke up early (as always) and I had 2 t shirts that I bought the week before and wanted to make t shirt dresses with. I am trying to use up left…

Boxy Pouch making at 5:30am

The little one woke up at 5:30am and was ready to start her day, so was I. I made a boxy pouch. I used this tutorial because the seams are hidden.